How to Use Mudae Bot Discord [ Mudae bot commands Guide ] (2024)

Discord is home to many entertaining bots and mods. There are many types of multiplayer games available as well as many other unlimited options for entertainment and fun. For those people, who love watching anime and playing games, the Mudae bot is surely a divine addition to this list of Discord bots. Mudae Bot is a Discord bot created for the main purpose of collecting your favorite characters from anime and video games. This feature of Mudae Bot is popularly known as the infamous ‘waifu gacha’. That’s right. The Mudae Bot allows the users in a server to roll for either waifus or husbandos (people call it waifu gacha so I’ll stick with the norm) or both and add them to your harem (which is imaginary of course, so hold your horses everyone). Mudae Bot has a collection of over 50000 different characters from different anime and video games and almost all of them have very detailed stats and descriptions (which really makes you wonder where the creators’ dedication comes from). Each character has ample description along with descriptions. But it does not end there. Even all of the anime and video games which are added in the Mudae Bot also have their own descriptions as well as what characters from that particular anime or game is available to claim through the Mudae Bot.

On a side note, mudae bot is one of the top popular bots on discord, Mudae bot has touched over 9 million discord servers and has become the top bot on discord. Mudae bot is the perfect bot for anime, video game, manga lovers. If you are one of them and do not have the bot on your server then wait no more, invite the bot to your server from the invite link mentioned below (this post is not sponsored lol xD).

Also, Mudae bot offers a feature where you can translate the bot into any language you want to make full use of this feature and play games translated into your language to play with friends (but really no one cares about that).

Down below you will see the best and most detailed guide to use Mudae Bot in the entire world. It does not matter if you are a 10 year old child, a 17 year old otaku, a 24 year old nerd or a 56 year old grandpa; if you want to use the Mudae Bot to collect those beautiful big eyed waifus or those smart and dashing husbandos who can make even a man question their desires, then this is the guide for you. Jump down below and start collecting your favorite waifus and husbandos and make the greatest harem of your dreams.


How to use Mudae bot? How to play Mudae?

When you have added the Mudae bot on the discord server then the users can start making waifus and husbandos appear in the chat room. Now the users have to claim their waifus and husbandos with the help of commands.

How to claim characters in Mudae Bot

Mudae bot is a waifu gacha game. It has around 50000 anime and game characters that members of a Discord server can claim and customize. It also allows users to catch pokemons and play other multiplayer games, etc. Here I will tell you about the waifu gacha and the pokemon game. On the other hand, the multiplayer games do not see much use.

The Mudae Bot allows a user to roll for any character 10 times. After using up the 10 rolls, the user will have to wait for the cooldown to finish before being able to roll again. A user can only claim a single character in a certain amount of time after which they have to wait for the cooldown to finish to claim again.

How to Use Mudae Bot Discord [ Mudae bot commands Guide ] (1)

Using the Mudae bot is very easy and the commands are very simple and easy to understand. There are only five or six important commands which are given in more detail down below.

1. $tu – One of the most important commands of Mudae bot is $tu which stands for ‘time up’. This will show you all the things that you can do using the Mudae bot. It shows how many times you can use the gacha to roll for a new character. It also shows if you can claim a character at the moment or not. If you have already claimed one recently then it shows how much time is left (the cooldown) before you can claim a new character.

2. $m – This is one of the three basic commands in Mudae bot. It stands for ‘marry’. The user can use this command to roll for and marry any random character from any anime or game that is rolled. The character rolled is random irrespective of the fact whether they are male (husbandos) or female (waifus) or both.

3. $w – This is the second of the three basic commands. It stands for ‘waifu’ and is exactly the same as the ‘$m’ command. The only difference here is that this command will only roll for waifus and not husbandos. So this command should be used if you are only interested in collecting waifus for your collection. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($wa) or game ($wg) female characters to marry to.

4. $h – This is the last of the three basic commands available in Mudae Bot. It stands for ‘husbando’. It works in the same way as the previous two commands but it is only used to roll for husbandos and not waifus. So use this command to build up a collection of husbandos for yourself. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($ha) or game ($hg) male characters to marry to.

5. $mm – This command stands for ‘my marry’. This command allows you to view your harem or your marriage list where you will see a list of all the characters that you have married.

6. $im [character name] – In order to view a particular character from your harem, you can use the $im command followed by the name of the character to view their image along with their basic info like their name, which anime or game they are from, how much kakera that particular character is worth, as well as how many times they have been claimed and how many likes they have gained. You can do this to any character and not just anyone that you are married to. This command also works for series and games as well by using ‘$ima [anime/game]’. This will show all the characters of that series that are in the Mudae bot.

7. $note [character name] $[custom description] – This command is used to add customized descriptions or notes to your waifus and husbandos. Once executed, a check mark will come up to show that it worked. After this, you can check your harem again and there that particular character will show up with that custom description.

How to Use Mudae Bot Discord [ Mudae bot commands Guide ] (2)

8. $c [character name] $[number of image] – This command is used to change the default image of a particular character. Almost all characters have more than one image and using this command you can specify the number of the image that you want to set as default for that particular character.

As explained before, when you start rolling the waifus and husbandos to marry, you can roll only 10 characters. In order to claim a character, you just have to react to that character with an emoji. Any emoji will suffice. Once reacted, that character will be married to you and added to your collection.

How to Use Mudae Bot Discord [ Mudae bot commands Guide ] (3)

Also, when you have rolled up to 10 characters and you did not want to marry any of these characters then you will have to wait for your cooldown period which is 30 mins. After the 30 mins, you can again begin with the cool down and then choose your husbandos and waifus.

Also, there is a rule according to which you cannot claim all the waifus and husbandos because of the time limit. There is a 3-hour time limit for the waifus and husbandos and during this time limit, no other user can claim on the waifus if you have them.

When you have 15 waifus then the Mudae bot will create a list that will contain the popularity of the waifus and the points that are associated with them. The list which will have the most popular points with the 15 wides will be the most popular on the server.

Also apart from the waifus/husbandos gaming mod, there are 5 mini-games on the bot.

Also, there is Bongo Bot, where you can claim waifu and husbandos and along with that play music on your discord server. If you want to play with more characters then you can check this bot also.

How to add Mudae bot on your discord server?

Adding the Mudae bot to your server is similar to adding other discord bots on the server. Follow the steps below to add the Mudae bot on your discord server-

Step 1: To add a Mudae bot you have to first invite the Mudae bot on your discord server. You can easily invite the Mudae bot from its official website.

Also, you can directly invite the Mudae bot with the help of the invite link that I have mentioned below. The invite link is the same invite link that you will find on its official Discord server.

Click on the Invite Bot Button.

How to Use Mudae Bot Discord [ Mudae bot commands Guide ] (4)

Step 2: When you have clicked on the invite link you will be redirected onto the discord where it will ask you to select the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot.

If you have not signed into the server make sure that you are signed and logged in to your discord.

STEP 3: On selecting the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot it will ask you to authorize the required permissions to the bot.

Make sure you go through the permission that you are going to authorize, also you can update this permission from the bot setting in discord.

How to Use Mudae Bot Discord [ Mudae bot commands Guide ] (5)

Congratulations you have successfully added the Mudae bot on your discord server !!

The next thing I recommend is to join the support community of Mudae bot. The support community will help you from other people in the community and whenever you are stuck then you have someone to ask. Join the Mudae bot support community to make full use of the Mudae bot.

Mudae Bot Community Server

All Mudae Bot Commands List [ Comandos Mudae ]

There are more than 450+ commands in Mudae both related to customization, moderation, utility, etc.

The List that is mentioned below is well maintained and documented by the Mudae Bot Team. We appreciate the Mudae Bot Team for such great documentation and support and all the credits belong to them.

Here is the list of the same documentation that you can find on discord, I have just mentioned it here as well for the ease to find it online.

With no further ado, Let’s start with our Mudae Bot Commands List.


Collect waifu and husbando. Be the first to take their heart!$waifu: Random waifu. React with 💖 before 30s.$husbando: Random husbando. React with 💖 before 30s.$marry: Random waifu or husbando. React with 💖 before 30s.

The commands above include two types of characters: game and animanga.
Add the letter g to just roll game characters ($wg) or a for animanga


$mymarry: Inventory of your conquests.See the category FLAGS LIST below to know how to filter your harem and other lists!$marryexchange: Exchange characters with the mentioned player.$give: Gift the mentioned player (limited)$firstmarry: Change your favorite character.$sortmarry: Sort your characters.$divorce: Divorce a character.$profile: Display your server profile

​Add a $ to separate different characters.

Most of the commands have aliases. Example: $mm for $mymarry


$infomarry: Search for a character. Example: $im Rem$infomarrya: Search for a series.$left: Number of characters left for your server.$fn: Find notes in your harem from the $note command.$fnall: Find notes in all harems of the server.$top: Top 1000 characters. Or $top #<rank>$topserv: Server character ranking.


$note: Add a message next to a character in your harem.$changeimg: Change the main image of a character.$addimg: (moderator) Add a custom image for an existing character.$randomimg: Randomize images during your rolls.$rollsleft: Change where the '2 rolls left' message is displayed.$alist: See availables aliases for a character.$alias: Swap the main name for an available alias.$alias2: Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want.$noteimg: Add a message for an image.$addcustom: (moderator) Add a custom character for your server.$like: Add a character to your likelist.$likelist: Your list of favorite characters.$renameclaim: Change your claim message. Also $renamedivorce$renameharem: Change the title of your harem.$renamelikelist: Change the title of your likelist.$profilebadge: Choose the badges displayed on your profile.$profilearrange: Arrange or hide your profile categories.$badge: Your list of badges.$claimreact: (moderator) Customize the rolls emojis.$kakerareact: (admin) Customize the kakera rolls emojis.


$marryup: Time left before your next claim.$rollsup: Rolls left before the next reset.$timersup: Timers merged in one message (mu, ru, du, ku, rtu, dku, bku).$tuarrange: Customize the informations displayed with $timersup$wish: Add a character to your $wishlist so you can be mentioned.$disable: Disable a series from YOUR rolls.$antidisable: Prevent the deactivation of the series from your rolls.$wishseries: (player premium) Be mentioned for each character of the series.$selfreset: List of personal full reset commands.$bonus: Your list of unlocked bonuses.$overview: Your list of player settings.$togglewestern: Disable/enable western series from your animanga rolls.$toggleirl: Disable/enable series with IRL people for your rolls.$setfooter: Display name/series under the image during your rolls.$imglink: Display image links during your rolls.$hideinfodisable: Hide the emoji indicating a character is disabled (for $im/$mmi)$personalrare: Change the spawn rarity of owned characters.$tip: Display a tip.$rolls: Vote for Mudae and get a rolls reset ($vote to check).$daily: Obtain a rolls reset every 20 hours.$haremcopy : (player premium II) Copy your harem on another server, under conditions.$kakeracopy : (player premium II) Copy your kakera/kakeraloots/badges on another server, under conditions.$limroul: (mode 2) Disable the less popular characters.


Add letters to some commands if you want to display different details. Those are combinable.

Example: $mmwr only displays your waifus (flag w) and how they are ranked (flag r)

List of flags

w (waifu), h (husbando), wh (both genders), w= (waifu without both genders), h= (husbando without both genders)g (game), g- (animanga), gg- (both), g= (game only), g-= (animanga only)a (series list), a+ (series names), b (series bundles), p (character search if you type some text), s (DM)r (claim ranks), r- (claim ranks not sorted), l (like ranks), l- (like ranks not sorted),k (kakera value), k= (kakera sorted), k- (kakera base value)y (keys only), y= (keys sorted), y+ (with full harem), y- (without keys), y!, y!=, y!+, y!- (soulkeys)c (embedcolored), c+ (with full harem), c- (without embedcolor)t (type of rolls), m (main names), d (img/alias details), v (hide details such as notes), n (not noted), n+ (noted only)u (unclaimed), o (owner names), o= (owned only), o- (not owned by you), o+ (owned by you)x (disabled), x+ (with full harem), x- (not disabled)i (images), i- (hide images if DM)Available arguments (type a space after the command and don't type the < >):<series name>, <page>, <@User, User ID or User tag>, $mm serv <server ID>Example: $mmwr Re:Zero


$forcedivorce: (admin) Release a character.$cleanuser: (admin) Reset harem and wishes from a user.$userdivorce: Reset the harem of the character's owner.$thanos: (admin) Randomly divorce half of a user harem.$thanosall: (admin) Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server.$bitesthedust: (server owner) Reset all harems of the server.$clearnotes: (admin) Clear the notes of a user.$clearwishes: (admin) Reset the wishes of a user.$resetalias2: (admin) Reset all $alias2 for a user's characters OR unclaimed characters.Or $resetalias for their $alias / $resetimg for their $changeimg$fullreset: (admin) List of full reset commands (aliases, images, wishes, disablelists, embedcolors, keys...)$leftusers: List of players who left the server with characters/wishes/kakera.$restorelist: List of divorced characters by moderation commands.$restore: (admin) Restore a character from the restorelist.$channeldeny: (admin) Disable some commands in the current channel.$channelrestrict: (admin) Restrict some commands so they can only be used in the current channel.$setchannel: (admin) Archaic version of $channeldeny.$restrict: (owner) Restrict some commands to a role so only this role can use the commands.$deny: (owner) Deny some commands for a role.$setpermission: (owner/admin) More specific permissions such as allowing users to use $kakerarefund for themselves only.$togglesilent: (owner) Change how the bot answers to disabled commands.$givecustom: (admin) Give an unclaimed custom character.


$settings: List of the server settings.$setrare: (admin) Change the spawn rarity of owned characters.$settimer: (admin) Change the number of seconds during which you can claim a character.$setrolls: (admin) Decrease or increase the number of rolls for the whole server.$setclaim: (admin + server premium I/II) Change the claim interval (up to one per hour).Can be used by non-premium to increase the interval.$shifthour: (admin) Shift the exact hour of the claim reset.$setinterval: (admin + server premium II) Change the exact minute of the claim/rolls reset.$haremlimit: (admin) Change the maximum number of characters per user.$togglereact: (admin) Change the automatic addition of hearts under the rolls.$channelinstance: (admin) Create a new instance (server) in the channel.$gamemode: (admin) Change the server game mode.$servlimroul: (mode 2, admin) Disable the less popular characters.$toggleclaimrolls: (admin) Display or not claim ranks during rolls.$togglelikerolls: (admin) Display or not like ranks during rolls.$togglekakerarolls: (admin) Display or not the kakera value during rolls.$toggledisturbing: (admin) Toggle series containing horror images.$toggleclaimrank: (admin) Toggle character ranking by number of claims.$togglelikerank: (admin) Toggle character ranking by number of likes.$serverdisable: (admin) Rolls-disable up to 1000 characters for the whole server.$togglesnipe: (admin) Change the possibility to claim on other players' rolls.$togglekakerasnipe: $togglesnipe for kakera.


Collect kakera and earn advantages for the marry roulette!

$kakera: Buy kakera badges to unlock bonuses.$kakerareward: Kakera badges detailed rewards.$kakeratower: Build towers with kakera for more rewards.$infokl: Earn even more rewards with kakera lootboxes.$kakeraup: Time left before you can react again to a kakera.$dailykakera: Earn a daily amount of kakera.$topservk: Kakera server ladder.$givekakera: Give kakera to someone.$kakeradm: Where or whether you should be notified for Silver IV/Bronze IV/Emerald IV bonuses.$mk: (premium) Force spawn a kakera (1 to 3 per hour).$togglekakera: (admin) Enable/disable the different means of collecting kakera.$togglekakerarolls: (admin) Display or not the kakera value during rolls.$badgevalue: (admin) Change the base value of some kakera badges.$cleankakera: (admin) List of kakera reset commands.$givescrap: (admin) Give kakera scraps to any user.$kakerascrap: See the amount of kakera scraps for your server.


Unlock the full potential of your character and earn more rewards!

Roll characters you already own and unlock for them: $embedcolor command, additional kakera earnings, increased kakera value and let them join your Soulmate list.

More infos with $infokeys


$skills: Invest skill points in a character you own.$arena: Start the game.$mmf: (harem option) Your characters ready for the fight.$imf: To see one character ready for the fight.$ds: Add a customized sentence when the character is out.$vs: Add a customized sentence when the character wins.$favarena: Define your favorite choice for the waifu arena.

Equivalent commands usable with Mudae GM: $skillsgm, $vsgm, $dsgm, $favarenagm

Pokéslot Commands

Earn Pokémon at the Rocket casino.$pokemon: Launch the slot machine.$pokedex: Your Pokémon. Options: rare, sumrare, id, abc, full, shiny, leg, beast, gen#, double, emoji ($pde), <page>, <@User/user ID>$shinyhunt: Hunt a shiny.

Release Pokémon for new tries

Use $release without arguments to see your stock.$autorelease: Release all doubles from rarity 1, 2, 3 for new tries.$pokelike: Like Pokémon ($pokelikelist) and immunize them for the autorelease command ($togglepokelike to not immunize them).$pokeprofile: Choose the Pokémon to display on your $profile

Sort your Pokémon

$sortpkm: double/abc/rare/id/shiny$pokerank: Global top 100. $pokerank leg (or shiny or beast) for the legendaries/shinies/beasts.$pokeserv: Top server.$pokemode: Animation and ping options.

Multiplayer games

$blacktea: Turn-based word game inspired by bombparty.$greentea: Find any word, quickly.$redtea: Find the longest word.$yellowtea: Find the largest number of words.$mixtea: A mix of all the previous teas. :)$quiz: A multi quiz with a global ranking$jankenpon @User: Rock-paper-scissors by affinity.$pokeduel @User: Starts a pokéduel (useless random game).


$quote: Random quote from anime.$quotimage: Random quote followed by a random image. Then, imagine the story...$mudanime: Random phrases inspired by known animes.$loli: Try it?$rdmperso: Random character from$rdmpokemon: Random Pokémon.$searchpkm: Search for a Pokémon.


Use $noun, $adverb, $adject, $vrb in your sentences to add a random word.$phrase: Random sentence.$poem: Random poem.$say <text to repeat> (or $saymudae)$invert <text to invert>Part of the words database comes from


$cdn <number>$kirby <number> // $kirchoco <number> //$tea <number>$chocoshark <number> // $bear <number> // $eater <number>$beam <emoji or text>: Blow up what you hate.$customcd <number> <content to repeat> <content> <content> <end>Example: $customcd 10 :chestnut: :deciduous_tree: :chipmunk:


$fate @User: Describes the trend between you and the mentioned.$42ball <text>: Answers to your yes or no questions.

Random events

$alea <number>: Random number.$rdmcountry: Random country.$invent: Invented word.


$lang: Change language (en, fr, pt-br, es or de).$channelhelp: Display this help on the channel.$join: Link to join Mudae on her server and get more infos.$invite: Link to invite Mudae on another server.$wiki: Wiki search.$def <word>: Definition search.$prefix: Change the prefix that invokes Mudae.$vote: Help Mudae to entertain mankind and get a free rolls reset.$patreon: Help Mudae to improve its features.$myid: Get your user/server Discord full ID.$date: My only weakness, the time that passes.


$star @User / $lol / $lmfao / $omg / $pervert / $takaché / $takawai / $nanachi / $secret$avatar <user> / $embedtxt <text>

All the credits of documentation belong to Mudae Bot.

How to Use Mudae Bot Discord [ Mudae bot commands Guide ] (6)

Aayush Kumar Gupta

Aayush Kumar Gupta is the founder and creator of ExploringBits, a website dedicated to providing useful content for people passionate about Engineering and Technology. Aayush has completed his Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering) from 2018-2022. From July 2022, Aayush has been working as a full-time Devops Engineer.

How to Use Mudae Bot Discord [ Mudae bot commands Guide ] (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.