Merging Rooms Fallout Shelter (2025)

1. Fallout Shelter rooms - Fallout Wiki - Fandom

  • Most rooms can also be merged up to three times by placing an identical room of the same tier next to it. Generally, each room can facilitate two Dwellers.

  • There are a total of 23 available room types that begin at level 1 when built and can be upgraded with caps to a maximum of level 3. Most rooms can also be merged up to three times by placing an identical room of the same tier next to it. Generally, each room can facilitate two Dwellers. Merged rooms may be occupied by up to 6 Dwellers. Production rooms require a specific S.P.E.C.I.A.L trait to run, while training rooms increase a specific trait of the selected Dwellers. Production rooms can als

2. Rooms - Fallout Shelter Guide - IGN

  • Jun 14, 2015 · Rooms must be the same level in order to be merged together. Merged rooms can hold more Dwellers within them so they can produce more resources ...

  • Throughout Fallout Shelter the player adds rooms to their Vault. There are several types of rooms, each with their own unique

3. Fallout Shelter - Which rooms merge? - TrueAchievements

4. How to merge 4 pairs of rooms in Fallout Shelter - Playbite

  • Merging rooms in Fallout Shelter is pretty straightforward but has a few rules. First, make sure the rooms you want to merge are of the same type and level.

  • Merging rooms in Fallout Shelter is pretty straightforward but has a few rules. First, make sure the rooms you want to merge are of the same type and level. You can't combine a level 1 diner with a level 2 diner, for example. Build them next to each other without any spaces in between. To get 4 pairs of rooms merged, you'll need to upgrade them all to the same level. Remember, rooms can only expand to a maximum of 3 units wide, so you'll be looking at creating two sets of these maxed-out rooms side by side for a total of 4 merged pairs.

5. How to merge rooms in Fallout Shelter - Dot Esports

  • Apr 15, 2024 · Rooms need to be at the same upgrade level to be merged, but placed rooms will automatically merge once they're at the same level. For example, ...

  • Expand the workspace.

6. How to merge rooms in Fallout Shelter - Charlie INTEL

  • Apr 22, 2024 · To merge rooms in Fallout Shelter, you will need to build two rooms that are identical and are of the same type side-by-side. This will double ...

  • Merging rooms in Fallout Shelter is great for increasing productivity, so here’s how you can do it easily.

7. Fallout Shelter: A Guide To Building Rooms - TheGamer

  • Apr 18, 2024 · To merge rooms, you'll need to build two of the same type of room right next to each other. They will automatically join together and create one ...

  • Expand underground to build the best Vault!

8. Fallout Shelter rooms

  • Merged Rooms let you assign more Dwellers to the room (up to six), while also becoming more efficient, however, they consume more electricity and increase ...

  • There are a number of rooms you can construct and upgrade to expand the Vault. All rooms have a particular purpose whether it be resources production, training Dwellers or provide storage space for Dwellers and items. As the vault population increase in size new room types will become available. The Vault need power to keep rooms operating and dwellers to operate them. Every room in the Vault is linked to one of the SPECIAL stats. The better the assigned Dweller's stat is for that room, the more

Merging Rooms Fallout Shelter (2025)


Merging Rooms Fallout Shelter? ›

To merge rooms in Fallout Shelter, you will need to build two rooms of the same type next to each other in a horizontal space. This will automatically merge both rooms into a double space, increasing the amount of Dwellers you can have assigned to this facility.

Can you merge all rooms in fallout shelter? ›

There are a total of 23 available room types that begin at level 1 when built and can be upgraded with caps to a maximum of level 3. Most rooms can also be merged up to three times by placing an identical room of the same tier next to it. Generally, each room can facilitate two Dwellers.

How many water rooms can you merge in Fallout Shelter? ›

For example, the water room can be merged twice (2 rooms together), the next water room, even if I built it next to the merged two, is in a different room.

Can half siblings mate in Fallout Shelter? ›

Uncles, cousins and nieces can mate, as can aunts and nephews. Dwellers sharing a parent cannot mate, nor can they mate their own parent or grandparent.

Is it possible to have twins in Fallout Shelter? ›

Because of how long pregnancy and dweller development stage last, it gives an opportunity for you to add two new dwellers from a chosen set of parents.

Why are my rooms not merging in Fallout Shelter? ›

To merge rooms in Fallout Shelter, you will need to build two rooms of the same type next to each other in a horizontal space. This will automatically merge both rooms into a double space, increasing the amount of Dwellers you can have assigned to this facility.

Do upgraded rooms use more power Fallout Shelter? ›

Level 2 rooms consume ~20% more power than their level 1 counterparts and level 3 rooms consume ~83% more power than level 2s (or 10% more than two level 1 rooms {as odd a comparison as that is}). The sweet spot in power-to-production/capacity is a level 2 double spaced room.

Can you merge radio stations in Fallout Shelter? ›

Lastly, as you merge the Radio Studio into a double or triple room, more workers will be eligible to operate the premises. A double room can host up to four assigned Dwellers, while a triple Radio Studio can host up to six Dwellers at a time.

Is the garden better in Fallout Shelter? ›

The garden is overall the more efficient of the two, with a better ratio of production time to production quantity than the diner, with the production time being 1.25 times longer, but yielding 1.375 times more food and therefore being 10% more efficient.

Can you merge three diners in Fallout Shelter? ›

The best option is right from the start to put three diners at 175 Credits each together in a row costing a total of 525 Credits to achieve.

How to get legendary babies in Fallout Shelter? ›

Find the most suitable couple in your vault and pair them up to see if things work out. If it does, magic will happen and your pregnant dwellers will give birth to babies. Pair high-level parents and you can have legendary babies running around your vault.

Do babies inherit special Fallout Shelter? ›

Just like in the real world, your baby Dwellers will inherit their parents' skills and abilities.

Can you get Legendary Dwellers from radio? ›

Dwellers recruited via the Radio studio are mostly Normal, getting rare or legendary dweller this way is extremely rare, but not impossible. Dwellers recruited via quests and random encounters are mostly Rare, but a few are Legendary.

How to get legendary dwellers in Fallout Shelter? ›

In order to obtain Legendary Dwellers, players will need to find them in one of two ways. Some will be available via certain quests in the game. The other ones must be found in the Lunch Boxes available to players. While they are extremely rare within Lunch Boxes, they can still be found every once in a while.

How long is a vault dweller pregnant? ›

After a dweller becomes pregnant, you'll need to wait for 3 hours before she'll deliver the baby. Although pregnant dwellers can still work, you'll need to assign 1-2 male dwellers to work with them.

Does it matter who you breed in Fallout Shelter? ›

Only dwellers with full maxed 'special' stats have a chance to produce a baby with good stats as well. With the normall dwellers it doesn't really matter. If you have parents with 1 or 2 good stats the baby might get 1 extra special points on those stats.

How many weight rooms can you merge in Fallout Shelter? ›

As most rooms, you are allowed to place up to 3 Weight rooms next to each other horizontally to increase room size and number of assignable dwellers to this room. Each upgrade to the Weight room will better a dweller's training time.

Is it possible to move rooms around in Fallout Shelter? ›

Currently, there's no direct way to move rooms. This means that if you want to relocate a room, you must first destroy it and then rebuild it in the new location. This process requires careful consideration to avoid unnecessary destruction of rooms and wasting resources and time.

Can you combine overseer office Fallout Shelter? ›

Only one can exist in each vault at any one time and once one is built, it will disappear from the build menu unless destroyed. If one needs to move the overseer's office, they can destroy and rebuild it without any impact on the current quest set or currently questing dwellers.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.