The Weekly Horoscope - Astrodienst (2024)

General Tendencies

Everyday Life / Profession:

The tensions will partially dissipate over the week. In addition, this week starts with a kite figure with its foundation in Venus and pointing towards Neptune. Once again, you can dream of peace and do something about it. Mars is still close toJupiter (in Gemini) and can be inspired by its ideals. The sign of Gemini encourages communication. "Thank you" and "sorry" are your magic words. The kite figure also emphasizes the small triangle between Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune, which is becomingmore and more exact and will remain active for many months. It is about the big picture, connections in this world, constructive cooperation between peoples, and visions for a better world. All of that is urgently needed! Jupiter and Saturn are in aprolonged tension and have something to clarify with each other about social changes. We have already visibly gained more personal freedom (keywords: emancipation, diversity) and are currently experiencing a so-called breakthrough crisis. There isresistance that we should deal with sensibly and wisely. The resistance is understandable, given our human history.

Relationship / Love:

Venus-Neptune indicates that you are dreaming again. That's amazing, considering that last week was all about setting boundaries. However, Venus-Neptune can also suggest that someone is no longer accessible because something has become too colorful,too wild, or too dangerous for them. Next, Mars moves into tension with Neptune (irrational action, disorientation, dismay), and Venus and Mars move into connection with Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto is the planet of taboos. You have already crossedboundaries.


Everyday Life / Profession:

Mars moves into tension with Neptune during this week. Now that something has slowed you down, you may lose your fighting spirit. You may no longer see any point in fighting or are running out of energy. Mercury comes to a standstill and shifts backinto forward gear on Wednesday. He is well connected to Jupiter at this time, which helps the urge to understand things better. It's good to calm down. The Moon promotes calm when it moves into Cancer on Wednesday and stays there until Friday. OnThursday, Venus moves into Libra, another indication of quieter, more peaceful times. Someone reaches out to you for reconciliation. Of course, you will accept this gesture. It feeds your optimism and confidence that all will be well again. However,it may also remind you of a painful loss you want to overcome. It feels good that people understand you or are at least trying to.

Relationship / Love:

With Venus, Mars, and Neptune, you can forgive each other - and yourself. You should not underestimate how much you can blame yourself and how it strains the relationship when you have a guilty conscience. You become suspicious and no longer dare tobe as spontaneous as usual. Your partner can help you to regain trust. From Friday evening, the Moon will be in Leo. You experience this as beneficial. The sign of Leo nourishes your self-confidence.


Everyday Life / Profession:

You can mitigate the incompatibilities significantly this week. On the one hand, Mars, the fighter, loses the support of Jupiter and thus the accelerator pedal and comes into tension with Neptune, which weakens him considerably. Secondly, Venus, inopposition to Neptune, is in a very peaceful and conciliatory mood. The combative energies disappear. Mercury remains in tension with Uranus in Taurus due to its standstill and direction change, so its unusual ideas are absorbed. Uranus rulesAquarius, where Pluto is, which is also in contact with Venus and Mars this week (as is Neptune). It is also about the unusual, which you should integrate into your life. The revolutionary and strange are becoming more and more normal. This has alwaysbeen the case, and every generation struggles with it anew. This week, when Mercury shifts back into forward motion, we gain an understanding of the situation. Understanding dissolves fears and resistance.

Relationship / Love:

Venus forms a kite figure with Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune and moves into the sign of Libra, where it is ready for relationships again. It feels like an offer to try love again - and above all, love! So, get rid of your ideas of what someone should belike. You need a new openness and impartiality. You need to look at each other as if seeing each other for the first time.

Everyday Life / Profession:

After the blatant tensions, things are now surprisingly peaceful. The new tensions with Neptune are harmless and have a calming or weakening effect. Only stationary Mercury can still "show off" if it has a unique insight, which is probably necessaryand helpful. The tension between Jupiter and Saturn is more about social issues than personal ones. However, professional matters are involved. Then it's about professional or social recognition, your position, and its (lack of?) appreciation.Venus-Neptune describes great idealism. You want to follow this now and have "permission" to do so. Anything self-serving gets no energy and no tailwind. However, you can enjoy many beautiful things as Venus moves into Libra! The Virgo Sun doesn'tlike leaving work undone, but it can only admonish you a little. Besides, all work involves breaks and finishing time. With Mars-Neptune, you shouldn't try too hard anyway. You can quickly become overwhelmed. Mars-Neptune also stands for strikes andpowerlessness for a reason.

Relationship / Love:

Venus asks once again: How pure is your love? The question is ambiguous, and it is advisable to consider it in many different ways. At its standstill, Mercury can give a deep insight that affirms the unusual. Love has no human-made rules. It standsabove things, above your ideas of "right" and "wrong." It forgives everything. It is healing when you leave your judgments behind.


Everyday Life / Profession:

The constellation in which Venus is involved makes a wish fly like a kite. Let's see where your kite will fly if you just let it go. Mars is in tension with Neptune and can't hold on to anything. So it's good to have a lot of faith and assume thatyour wishes will come true at some point - without a fixed timetable. The Moon reaches the sign of Cancer on Wednesday, and Venus moves into Libra on Thursday. It's best to take care of your personal affairs then. You're not the only one who willquickly run out of steam and be overwhelmed by work. With some luck, you're on vacation anyway and don't have to function perfectly. If not, you will get through this week as best you can without causing any damage, according to the motto: if you worklittle, you make few mistakes. Mars-Neptune could also tempt you to be careless. That would not be in the spirit of Mercury, which comes to a standstill and then moves forward again. Mercury would like you to take the time to understand everything.

Relationship / Love:

Mars is in a state of insecurity due to Saturn's obstruction. This is not a problem for Venus, as she also has a similar issue with Neptune and can empathize well. If both are honest about their weaknesses, they can support each other. However, thereis no common ground if one partner pretends to the other. Then you live past each other and have good reason to dream of a better relationship.


Everyday Life / Profession:

The Sun is now in cautious Virgo, but Mercury is standing still in Leo and taking inspiration from Uranus. The connection between Mercury and Uranus will only become exact next week. Until then, it will continue to provide further impetus to swimagainst the current and follow your own "laws." You will not experience any substantial resistance. Mars is in tension with Neptune, losing orientation and strength. Jupiter gets on well with Mercury and will provide arguments and clues that areuseful to you. You won't reach your goal quickly now, but with some patience, you will see that many things will develop in the desired direction. Venus is in good connection with Uranus, and then, through her change into the sign of Libra, she is ingood conjunction with Pluto. That describes a shift in values. The world would like to modernize itself - and Pluto promptly finds this questionable and moves back into Capricorn the following Monday. Someone is afraid of their courage. Are you, too?(Sun in cautious Virgo) The processes are underway, and people must learn to deal with new issues and facts. You may still have to prove or explain that they are facts.

Relationship / Love:

Venus is opposite Neptune and dreams of beautiful experiences. Mars, also in tension with Neptune, should do the same, but getting involved in Neptune's world is much more difficult for him. Mars recently had many advantages, and now he seems to haveonly disadvantages. So, the Venus-Mars relationship is balanced again. This could also be the case with humans, but with the male side (Mars), expectations are likely getting in the way. How weak is a man allowed to be?


Everyday Life / Profession:

The Sun in Virgo benefits you because it means you have your life energy "with you" again. However, this can also be a disadvantage this week because Mars, in opposition to Neptune, is not working well. For example, you want to get something done anddon't know where to start, which is difficult for someone like you. You need a lot of patience. You may have this automatically because Mercury is stationary. Mercury shifts into forward gear, bringing an internalization process to an end. Thisprocess involves the planet Uranus, which constantly provides new impulses you must process. These are, of course, impulses from people on earth. Uranus shows what is going on here, and that is a lot. These are issues that used to have to be sweptunder the carpet. This is less and less possible now. Everything comes on the table and must be clarified and integrated. Modern times demand it. You can refuse it and delay it, but you won't be able to prevent it. Perhaps Mars-Neptune is a kind ofstrike: you're not going along somewhere.

Relationship / Love:

How valuable do you feel? Someone or something has unsettled you. Unfortunately, a critical remark has stuck with you because you take everything very seriously. If your partner wanted to hurt you, that's not okay. Then, you should shake off the"criticism" and free yourself from it. Your task is to feel valuable even without compliments and support from your partner. You need to work on this. Venus and the Sun in Virgo will help you with it.


Everyday Life / Profession:

Venus is now a significant point in a kite figure and arrives in Libra on Thursday. This will noticeably improve your situation. Venus in Libra will do you good. However, the fact that it is opposite Neptune could also be a problem because the kite isaiming into the "void." You may expect too much or too little from other people. It's good if you never give up hope and always give positive things a chance. Mars is not doing well in tension with Neptune. He has no more working energy and urgentlyneeds a new goal. You may have already defined a goal when he was conjunct Jupiter but have only met with obstacles since then. The higher the goal, the more challenging the task. We are only at the beginning of this two-year cycle, but we can alreadytell that the task involves communication and foreign people (Jupiter in Gemini). It also concerns learning, teaching, language, and knowledge. Is it time for further education, or are you already in the middle of it and wondering what it will bring?

Relationship / Love:

Sometimes, you have to start from scratch. That's what it will feel like for you now. You have no idea where the journey is going and whether you will share it with a partner, but you really hope so. Your positive attitude will help things turn outwell in the end. With Venus in Libra from Thursday / Friday, you feel the need not to go through life alone. You will send out appropriate signals. Then, it's only a matter of time before someone picks these up.


Everyday Life / Profession:

You feel helpless and disoriented (Mars in tension with Neptune). At the same time, you suspect that this is not such a bad thing. You may even like this state because it challenges your senses. When there are no clear goals, you have to rely on yourintuition and have more than enough of that. You switch to "instinct" and let your feelings guide you. Venus is also doing this now because she has no other choice. Mercury opposes Uranus for the third and final time and works on rethinking andreassessing situations. Perhaps the circ*mstances must be entirely unpredictable, forcing you to see everything in a new light and approach things completely differently. In an exceptional situation, you can show what you are made of. You can discoverand use your very own resources. You tap into knowledge that lives in your body, which has been acquired for generations and serves your survival.

Relationship / Love:

The Neptune influence has the effect of a capitulation. Partners have experienced themselves as incompatible and have suffered from each other. You have reached a point where you can no longer control or force anything. This makes you humble and opensyou up to a new approach. Whenever you no longer expect anything, everything can come. If you still have expectations, it will just take a little longer until you have let go of everything, and the new can come.


Everyday Life / Profession:

This week, you have to lower your expectations. You're making less progress than you'd like, and sometimes, you don't even know where you're going anymore. It is a crisis of meaning. If something no longer feels good, you should let it go, pause, andthink things over again. Mercury helps with this. It's direct again, and its connection to Uranus will be exact one last time before it moves on. Now, you have the chance to take up an idea that you had initially rejected. If you dwell on somethingnovel and unusual long enough, it becomes more and more everyday and realistic. It can be unsettling for you because you have lost your footing. But that's quite normal when you start flying (kite figure). In the long term, you will still have much todo with "flying" or "taking off," which you can also understand figuratively. Your world of thought makes giant leaps. You have exciting ideas that can make the world a better place. This is mainly to do with interpersonal encounters. Your words cangreatly motivate other people to free themselves from unsatisfactory situations.

Relationship / Love:

The goddess of love, Venus, is feeling much better now. She has regained hope, even if you feel helpless now and don't know what to do. This uncertainty will ensure that you are much more careful and attentive in the future. Maybe you overdidsomething and realized it too late. But in love, it's never too late. There's always another chance.


Everyday Life / Profession:

You have set a lot in motion. Efforts to bring about change have taken hold. This has a liberating and, at the same time, unsettling effect. Mercury is moving forward again and will now take up Uranus's ideas for change. You may already feel it as adesire for freedom or new experiences and opportunities. You could be planning a trip or further training now. The way is clear for many new things. Your cautious nature may still hold you back a little, but in the long term, you have many new andexciting things in store. Venus moves into Libra (the element of Air) in the second half of the week and lets you feel this new wind. The Moon is in Leo at the weekend and feeds your zest for life. On Sunday, the Moon reaches Mercury and againemphasizes its tension with Uranus (pressure to change). You may experience this pressure more positively because you have helped shape the changes. Inner restlessness can have a very stimulating effect.

Relationship / Love:

Inner restlessness is particularly stimulating when you are in love. But this state is rare and ultimately leads to a relationship that hopefully remains invigorating. Being in love would be almost unbearable in the long run because it is anexceptional state. This week, Venus - in opposition to Neptune - hints at infatuation, while Mars - in opposition to Neptune - indicates uncertainty. You have no plan, but hope drives you to move on.


Everyday Life / Profession:

After being thwarted by Saturn in Gemini, Mars is now unsettled by Neptune and loses his bearings. That causes frustration if you pursue a goal and want to move forward quickly. However, Neptune's concern is not frustration but sensitization. You haveprobably shown too little consideration for other people in your actions. This has not just happened to you; you are dealing with constellations that apply to everyone. The situation will be corrected when Mars moves into the sensitive sign of Cancerin a week, where you like to care for other people. Venus will also be sensitized because she is opposite Neptune. You feel an inclination to take more interest in the well-being of your fellow human beings again. The tension between Mercury andUranus mobilizes you to pursue a corrected course. You may have a good friend who will support you in this correction and show you the benefits. It would have to be someone with a big heart who likes to emphasize the positive but dares to becompletely honest with you.

Relationship / Love:

The fact that your partner has withdrawn from you unsettles you. You don't know how to deal with this. However, your partner is still available, hoping you will find the right tone. The relationship may need a breather. When it's quiet, you realizewhat's missing and what feelings still exist. Take your time, and don't overdo it again with the speed. Your partner has a lot of patience and will wait for you.


Everyday Life / Profession:

The sign of Pisces and its ruler, Neptune, will be influential now. Last week was the preparation for this. You have more influence than you think, and you may have already noticed. Neptune is important for both Venus and Mars. For Venus, itrepresents hope for better, peaceful times, while it has a more unsettling effect on Mars. For both, it indicates that you must now have patience and trust, which Venus (the feminine) finds easier than Mars (the masculine). For Mars, it represents anecessary course correction, for which he is at least flexible enough in the sign of Gemini. The correction should not be so challenging. Mercury-Uranus also describes a necessary change, and Mercury is moving forward again, which means that his wordsare no longer so irritating. Uranus has clearing energy; perhaps it clears the minds of some. Neptune has healing power; it may cure some people of their delusions of achievement, speed fantasies, or know-it-all attitude.

Relationship / Love:

In addition to Neptune, Saturn is also in the sign of Pisces. You will feel Saturn more clearly than Neptune because its nature is more alien to you. Saturn demands steadfastness and sincerity. In a relationship, Saturn is the ability to feel jointlyresponsible for your partner. If they make a mistake, you may not have warned them enough if you saw the danger. Be braver and speak up when you see danger!

The Weekly Horoscope - Astrodienst (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.